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A Mission of Love

A Mission of Love

As I embarked on my most important dawah trip to Mexico, I began to reflect and think of my past three outreach missions. “Why was this the most important?” I asked myself, “I am traveling with the least amount of luggage and alone.” The answer was that I was going in...
My Journey to Islam.

My Journey to Islam.

I was not Muslim when 9/11 happened, it had only been 3 short months since I had moved from California to the suburbs of New York, Westchester county to be exact. I remember this day like it was yesterday and every single year I re-live this inhumane tragedy, let me...
What Does My Hijab (Veil) Mean To Me?

What Does My Hijab (Veil) Mean To Me?

My hijab is so much more than “just” a piece of cloth on my head…My hijab screams loud and clear I am Muslim and my faith is Islam. It’s my suit of armour, it protect me and gives me strength. It’s a constant reminder of my obedience towards my Creator Allah subhna wa...