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Why are Non Muslims Fasting this Ramadan?

Why are Non Muslims Fasting this Ramadan?

by | May 28, 2017

Ramadan 4 ALL  “Fast in Solidarity”


I am simply overwhelmed by the response of some of my friends this Ramadan. Meet my friend Maria who I just met last weekend in Dallas Texas, she is a devoted Catholic. What I mean by that is she practices the religion, unlike myself I was just born into the religion but never truly practiced like I do with my new faith, Islam. This weekend’s

Dallas trip was a last minute decision, let me add that it was truly the best decision ever, Alhamdulilah. I was planning to rest for a bit upon arriving to our iftar destination. That changed in a matter of minutes upon arrival simply because the energy was so vibrant and full off positive individuals on our fist day of fasting, MashaAllah.


When I spoke to my friend Maria on the phone last week she expressed her desire to fast in support of our #Ramadan4All – (Fast in Solidarity) campaign. She feels that it is important to come as one and truly get to know one another. I feel the same, we have more similarities than differences and that’s what we need to focus on to change the rhetoric. It’s time to take back our narrative. We do not hate anyone, Islam teaches to get to know one another, to help each, to love each other and most importantly to respect one another regardless of our faith. With all that said, we felt it was also very important for us to be here to support her for supporting us. She had a few questions on day 1 (yesterday) such as “Am I able to brush my


teeth before I leave to the iftar?” As the day went by and we checked up on each other, she also expressed her quench for a drop of water, she was very thirsty like many of us but continued her fast despite the fact that she had to work and she is not Muslim

We agreed to meet at the Iftar I was invited to. A very well planned out Mexican Iftar I must add, hosted by one of Pleksus – admins Sister Paola. Everything was perfect, the piñata read Happy Ramadan as well as the water bottles. The decorations transported me to my native Mexico, the bouncy house brought back childhood memories and well the diversity reassured me, I was exactly where I was supposed to be on this first day of Ramadan.


When Maria finally arrived, I was beyond myself I couldn’t believe her commitment to our friendship. She agreed to embrace the entire experience by going with us to the masjid after the iftar and boy was I surpised, she was beyond ready MashaAllah. I decided for us to go to Bayyinah where Br Nouman Ali Khan gives the tafsir = the explanation of the verses from the Qur’an in English after the taraweeh prayers. If you happen to be in the Dallas area I totally recommend you to head on over for this genuine experience. Try it at least once this Ramadan, in shaa Allah.

Anyway, our night ended with a trip to the grocery store to prepare for suhoor the next morning. Unfortunately, do to our exhaustion we overslept and day 2 began without suhoor. I pray that by sharing these stories, it helps you all by motivating you to continue spreading our deen with love, mercy and compassion this Ramadan and every day of the year!!!

Please continue supporting this beautiful initiative by using the following hashtag on ALL your social media Ramadan posts #HumansMakingTheWorldGreatAgain. Oh and don’t forget to invite others to join us on our facebook event page . This page is safe for all regardless of your race, sex, color or religion, here you will be able to share with other Non-Muslims and Muslims


who are also fasting in solidarity. I hope that by sharing our experiences this entire month, we can also build friendships that will last a lifetime, in shaa Allah = God willing.

O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. – Qu’ran 49:13 

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